User Interface Design: AB Testing

Thanks for your interest in helping us out with some simple AB testing. Here we are comparing two completely different visual approaches to how our app might look in the coming months. There are links below to each app version and a 2 minute questionnaire at the end of this post that we would love for you to fill out. If you’re still interested, please read on…

Take a moment to have a look through the apps and see what buttons respond to your fingers. Once you’re satisfied you’ve found your way around you can begin. There are 3 simple tasks to perform in each app. Task 2 applies to V6.1 only and Task 3 applies to V7.0 only.


  1.  Take a selfie and post a selfie update in your beard diary
  2.  (V6.1 only) Find the article on taming your wiry beard
  3.  (V7.0 only) Find the tutorial to style your beard
  4.  Do a product search on beard oil (V6.1) / razors (V7.0)

Version 6.1


Version 7.0

4 Question Survey: